cache db record fully instead of caching separate column values
Reported by yas375 | January 31st, 2012 @ 11:51 AM
I uncomment logger line 'ARDebugLog("Executing SQL:
subs: %@", sql, substitutions);' in 'executeSQL:
substitutions:' method in ARSQLiteConnection.m file.
And I saw that there are different requests for each column value.
More detailed description below.
I have created model Person with firstName and lastName. After that I try to access each of this two properties (just put them in to log):
Person *person = [[Person find:ARFindFirst] objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"firstName: %@", person.firstName);
NSLog(@"lastName: %@", person.lastName);
and I saw in console that there are separate requests for firstName and lastName:
ARSQLiteConnection.m:75: warning: Executing SQL: SELECT firstName FROM people WHERE id = :id subs: {
id = 1;
ARSQLiteConnection.m:75: warning: Executing SQL: SELECT lastName FROM people WHERE id = :id subs: {
id = 1;
I already enable cache for ARBase, but it will cache only property value. Means that when I access firstName seconf time, than there is no request needed. Ok, but I think that it will be better to cache all record from database. For example on my first call to person.firstName next SQL should be executed:
SELECT * FROM people WHERE id = 1;
The result should be cached (if cache is enabled) and firstName returned.
What do you think about this?
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ActiveRecord is an insanely easy to use database framework written in objective-c It's obviously "inspired" by (copying) the infamous ActiveRecord that comes with Rails( But it tries to be more versatile when it comes to working with multiple connections.